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Parent Information

Lost and Found

Lymburn School has lost and found boxes located in the hallways of the school. Please check them on a regular basis for items that your child may have misplaced.

School Supplies

School supplies are the responsibility of families. Please help your child be ready for school by having materials available.

Homework and Reading

Please help your child develop good work habits and responsibility by checking their backpacks daily. All students at Lymburn will be using a daily agenda. Please read with your child a minimum of 15 minutes daily.

Reporting Student Progress

There will be three formal reporting periods where you will receive a written report card; November, March and June. We expect parents to be involved in their child's learning. Each classroom teacher will keep you informed and will encourage your participation. Please contact your child's teacher if you have specific questions or concerns.

Parent Involvement/Volunteers

An important part of every child's education program is the role that the parent plays. Parents are encouraged to volunteer their time at the school and to become involved in the life of the school. If you can, and are interested, please contact your child's teacher or the school office.

PAC-Parent Advisory Council

Lymburn School has an active parent council. The role of Parent Council is to support the students and the school through a variety of fundraising efforts and social activities. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the school office.

Field Trips

Our classes will participate in a variety of fieldtrips during the year. Trips will be curriculum based and enhance classroom learning. Parents will receive a field trip form requiring signed permission for their child to participate. Students who do not return a signed permission slip will remain at the school. No child will be refused the right to participate in a fieldtrip experience due to lack of funds if the situation is brought to the attention of the principal.

Cold Weather Policy

Unless the temperatures are below -23C, all students are required to spend the fifteen minute recess periods outdoors. On occasions when the weather is too severe for students to go outside, an inside recess will occur.

Change of Address/Telephone Number

It is very important that the school files be kept up-to-date regarding changes of address, phone number, parent's place of work and work number in order that you may be contacted in the event of an accident or emergency. Please notify the school of any changes to this information as they occur.

Dress and Footwear

Suitable dress and footwear should be worn depending on existing weather conditions. Children are required to remove their outside footwear upon entering into the school. It is expected that they have a pair of indoor shoes preferably white soled or non marking running shoes at school at all times. Please label all footwear.

Personal Electronic Devices

Expensive items such as CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC TOYS should NOT be brought to school as they may be broken or become lost. If you insist on sending your child with a cell phone for safety reasons, they must turn it off while at school and hand it in to the teacher at the beginning of the day and pick it up at the end. The school will not be responsible for the loss or theft of such items. We encourage and prefer the option of more physical endeavors while at school and therefore these items are needlessly at risk of being lost.


Students are discouraged from bringing toys to school. Toys that are kept in a child's desk are very distracting to the child as well as other classmates. If your child wants to bring a toy to school to play with at recess, it must be kept in his/her backpack during class time. The school will not accept responsibility for any toys brought to school.

Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades and Scooters

Bike racks are provided at our school. This area is out of bounds except when parking or picking up bikes. All bikes must be locked. Students are asked to walk their bikes while on the schoolyard. Skateboards, scooters and roller blades are regarded as bicycles and should be dismounted while on school grounds. No wheeled devices are to be ridden on the school grounds including sidewalks and tarmacs. They are to be folded and carried when on school grounds and are kept in the student's classroom, then carried off school grounds before they can be ridden.

Sports Equipment

Appropriate sports equipment is allowed, however the student will be expected to share the activity with others just as if the equipment was the schools.